Návštěvou ve Velkopopovickém pivovaře
Andere titel(s): A Visit to the Brewery in Velké Popovice
Genre: Documentary film
Jaar: 1921
Speelduur: 16:59 min:sec
Beschrijving: The Velké Popovice Brewery is at first seen as an overall view, and then we can see its interiors - a laboratory, a boiler room, a machine room, and preparation of the solution for cooling in cooling devices. We can follow sorting of barley, its maceration, and further technological treatment. The technological devices can be only seen on photographs. Some brewery employees are rolling a huge beer barrel on the courtyard, at the back you can see a train, a steam locomotive is heading to the brewery. One of the wagons bears the inscription "The Velké Popovice Brewery". Barrel makers are working with the small beer barrels - they are drilling holes to them, mechanically wash them cleanse and pitch them. We can see barrel filling, beer bottling and their plugging. Everything is being done manually. On the brewery courtyard the barrels are loaded to wagons, on horse-drawn wagons and lorries; from there they are distributed to various destinations.
Trefwoorden: dokument / pivovar / laboratoř / kotelna / strojovna / výroba piva / sudy pivní malé / sudy pivní obrovské / vagóny / lokomotiva parní / bednáři v pivovaru / automobily nákladní / potahy koňské pivovarské / omývání sudů / plnění sudů / plnění lahví / zátkování sudů / nakládání sudů / nápis Pivovar Velké Popovice / nápis Velkopopovický kozel / reklama Velkopopovický kozel / brewery / laboratory / boiler room / machine room / production of beer / small beer barrels / steam locomotives / wagons / huge beer barrels / barrel washing / trucks / barrel makers in the brewery / barrel filling / bottling of beer / brewery horse-drawn wagons / plugging of barrels / loading of barrels / Velké Popovice Brewery sign / Velkopopovický kozel advert / Velkopopovický kozel sign
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rechten: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Productiemaatschappij: Anaba-Film Praha
Kleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Type document :
Collectie: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs